• SCOR announces the publication of its interim financial report for the six months ended June 30, 2023

    المصدر: Nasdaq GlobeNewswire / 28 يوليو 2023 11:22:30   America/Chicago

    Press Release
    July 28, 2023 - N° 16

    SCOR announces the publication of its interim financial report for the six months ended June 30, 2023

    SCOR announces the public release and the filing with the Autorité des marchés financiers of its interim financial report for the six months ended June 30, 2023.

    The interim financial report for the six months ended June 30, 2023 is available in the “Regulated Information” section of the company's website at www.scor.com.


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    Contact details

    Media Relations
    Alexandre Garcia

    Investor Relations
    Yves Cormier        


    LinkedIn: SCOR | Twitter: @SCOR_SE


    Numbers presented throughout this document may not add up precisely to the totals in the tables and text. Percentages and percent changes are calculated on complete figures (including decimals); therefore, the document might contain immaterial differences in sums and percentages due to rounding. Unless otherwise specified, the sources for the business ranking and market positions are internal.

    Forward-looking statements

    This document includes forward-looking statements, assumptions, and information about SCOR’s financial condition, results, business, strategy, plans and objectives, including in relation to SCOR’s current or future projects.

    These statements are sometimes identified by the use of the future tense or conditional mode, or terms such as “estimate”, “believe”, “anticipate”, “expect”, “have the objective”, “intend to”, “plan”, “result in”, “should”, and other similar expressions.

    It should be noted that the achievement of these objectives, forward-looking statements, assumptions and information is dependent on circumstances and facts that arise in the future.

    No guarantee can be given regarding the achievement of these forward-looking statements, assumptions and information. These forward-looking statements, assumptions and information are not guarantees of future performance. Forward-looking statements, assumptions and information (including on objectives) may be impacted by known or unknown risks, identified or unidentified uncertainties and other factors that may significantly alter the future results, performance and accomplishments planned or expected by SCOR.

    In particular, it should be noted that the full impact of the inflation and geopolitical risks including but not limited to the Russian invasion and war in Ukraine on SCOR’s business and results cannot be accurately assessed.

    Therefore, any assessments, any assumptions and, more generally, any figures presented in this document will necessarily be estimates based on evolving analyses, and encompass a wide range of theoretical hypotheses, which are highly evolutive.

    These points of attention on forward-looking statements are all the more essential that the adoption of IFRS 17, which is a new accounting standard, results in significant accounting changes for SCOR.

    Information regarding risks and uncertainties that may affect SCOR’s business is set forth in the 2022 Universal Registration Document filed on April 14, 2023, under number D.23-0287 with the French Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) posted on SCOR’s website www.scor.com.

    In addition, such forward-looking statements, assumptions and information are not “profit forecasts” within the meaning of Article 1 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/980.

    SCOR has no intention and does not undertake to complete, update, revise or change these forward-looking statements, assumptions and information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

    Financial information

    The Group’s financial information contained in this document is prepared on the basis of IFRS and interpretations issued and approved by the European Union.

    IFRS 17 is a new accounting standard applicable to insurance and reinsurance contracts. IFRS 17 has replaced IFRS 4 since January 1, 2023. The adoption of IFRS 17 results in significant accounting changes for SCOR. Any assessments, assumptions, estimates or expectations under or relating to IFRS 17 in this document reflect SCOR’s current view of the impact of IFRS 17.

    Unless otherwise specified, prior-year balance sheet, income statement items and ratios have not been reclassified.

    The calculation of financial ratios (such as economic value per share, return on invested assets, management expenses ratio, return on equity and combined ratio) is detailed in the Appendix of this document.

    The first half 2023 financial information has been subject to the completion of a limited review by SCOR’s independent auditors. The solvency ratio is not audited by SCOR’s Statutory Auditors.

    Any figures for a period subsequent to June 30, 2023 should not be taken as a forecast of the expected financials for these periods.



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